Wild Hogs Blooper Reel

I will admit it, I like Tim Allen movies. He always seems to play the loveable underdog who gets thrust into an unsuspecting situation and ends up learning a valuable lesson and becomes a better person because of it all. That pretty much sums up nearly every Tim Allen movie to date, but I love it. Its a light feel-good movie. I think we can expect the same from Wild Hogs.

Cinematical says:

Starring Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy, Wild Hogs comes from second-time director Walt Becker (after Van Wilder) and first-time screenwriter Brad Copeland — a man who has penned a few episodes of Arrested Development and My Name is Earl …
The Disney comedy opens on March 2.

This almost sounds like a “City Slickers” for a next generation, and we can only hope has half the success. I’m still looking forward to seeing this with my family.

Well in a strange marketting twist, instead of offering the blooper reel as part of the DVD extras, they are putting them out for people to see as part of the promotion of the film.

Click Here to watch the Trailer and the Blooper Reel.

My biggest complaint about trailers is when the put stuff in there that isnt in the movie. At least Wild Hogs is up front about the bloopers. You know those are not going to be in there, but likely on the dvd.

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