Movies rated R can’t be blockbusters
Movies with no known stars can’t be blockbusters
Movies can’t, movies can’t, movies can’t.
300 breaks a lot of these so called “rules”. It is an R rated movie, based on a story most people have never heard of, with almost zero celebrity presence in the movie… and yet it is now the highest grossing opening weekend film in March history with just over $70 million. So much for the rules.
Another interesting little fact… 300 is also the 3rd highest opening weekend R rated boxoffice film in history (right behind The Matrix: Reloaded and The Passion of the Christ).
You can make these movies. You can make movies on little known stories… with no big names in them and even make it rated “R”… and you can still make a hell of a lot of money. Does it make it harder to do? Yes, no question about that. But the fact remains, that you can make these movies based on amazing stories and still make it successful. Yet another triumph for 300.
No real reason for this post… just a random thought.