3-D film is a fantastic experience. It is a riot to see everyone in the uniform of funny glasses coming together to enjoy a film. It appears Dreamworks is pushing 3-D with upcoming films by a crew of heavyweights. We are educated on the issue thanks to our friends at Filmick:
Michael Campbell, the CEO of Regal cinemas in the US, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, Dreamworks’ head conveyor belt oiler, yesterday spoke to analysts at a Bank of America convention. The basic thrust of their argument was that punters are really going for 3D, so let’s do more of it – and then charge them a premium.
Katzenberg commented that a lot of cinema chains had proven ‘slow’ in adopting the digital technology requisite to screening 3D films, but suggested the slate of upcoming titles would hurry things along. Without naming any, he revealed that these upcoming films were to come from directors James Cameron, Robert Zemeckis, Stephen Spielberg and Peter Jackson.
I will look for any chance to see more movies in 3-D. Filmick speculates that Indy 4 may even be one of the movies Dreamworks has on deck to be 3-D! (This can not yet be confirmed or denied, but we will keep you posted.) I hunger to wear the glasses again, but am a little miffed that they are considering this only to jack the cost of films.
Getting people out to the theaters is the correct way to make more money and I think 3-D is enough to do that. To charge a premium for 3-D is like charging extra for movies with sex and violence. You know – the good ones. Selling the 3-D glasses is fair but if you have to pay extra for a 3-D movie itself; it will take wind out of the sails of the majestic longboat that is 3-D