While its very in to bash on Eddie Murphy’s lack of class at the Oscars – something I have dubbbed “Eddie-quette” (etiquette) and plan to use to describe Diva behaviour in celebrities – I actually like this idea for Eddie’s next movie.
Gabrielle Union, Ed Helms and Elizabeth Banks are joining Eddie Murphy’s crew in the fish-out-of-water comedy “Starship Dave.”
“Starship” centers on a spaceship that takes the form of a human (Murphy). It’s operated by 100 human-looking, quarter-inch-tall aliens seeking a way to save their planet. Complications ensue when their captain (also played by Murphy) falls in love with an Earth woman (Banks) who dates losers.
This screams of a combination of Men in Black, Inner Space, Osmosis Jones, combined with that sitcom that showed a bunch of people in the thought process of the main character’s head.
And I like it.
I am a bit disturbed with the fact that “Norbit” director, Brian Robbins is directing this. Norbit was not acclaimed as a good career move for Murphy. I am so tired of the multiple character routine. I know he is playing “Dave” as well as the avatar captain of the “crew” inside him, but that makes sense. Its the seven exaggerated characters in one movie that just bored me. It was funny once. Maybe twice.
But I have to hand it to Murphy. Sure he lacked some class at the Oscars, and we had our fun poking at him for it. But really, this guy is LIVING IT. Honestly, with the goofy fun personality Murphy likes to play, if I was in his shoes I would probably want to do light comedy goofy stuff for the rest of my career too.
Screw the Oscars. This is your JOB to have fun, make jokes and get paid MILLIONS to do it. I didn’t say that everyone had to like his movies, but if Murphy didn’t have fun doing them I am sure he would seek out other dramatic roles and make another run at the Oscar. People would kill for his lifestyle. He gets paid to goof around.
And really, his movies sell. Norbit was a creepy bad movie, but it made money. It may have changed people’s opinion of him and theoretically cost him an Oscar, but we all know in Hollywood, if it sells they will make it. Even if it sucks. At least this idea for his next movie actually sounds like it might be fun and we can see Murphy doing the comedic roles he is best at.