With two successful films adapted from his material already under his belt… and having had the chance to “co-direct” Sin City with Rodriguez, it shouldn’t surprise any of us that Frank Miller (the guy who wrote Sin City and 300) is itching to take on a movie himself. He’s now gone as far as to say that 300 will be the last of his stories that gets made without him in the directors chair. Filmstalker gives us this:
This, I hope, will be the last property of mine that isn’t directed by me…I was directing on Sin City, learning what I was doing, when they started making 300. I had input, of course, but this is Zack Snyder’s film. Zack clearly had such a strong focus on exactly where he wanted to take it, and I liked that. To put it really simply, I always wanted this to be like a story told by a soldier over a campfire.”
I can understand Miller’s feelings on this. They are after-all his stories. I just can’t help but wonder if a studio would be willing to invest millions of doallars in a big project with a guy who’s only real film experience is “co-directing” one movie (and we all know who did the real directing on that project).
I mean… just because the dude writes a great story… does that mean he has the technical and artistic know-how to take the helm on his own for a major motion picture? I guess we’ll see.