As if we needed MORE encouragement that the upcoming Iron Man movie was going to be incredible. Look at the cast they have assembled! Then add to that the bits found on Favreau’s blog that reveal him to be facing the biggest project he has ever encountered with bold excitement and confidence mixed in with the overwhelming state of just how BIG this is getting. And he must be buzzing since they start filming in less than a week.
Movies Online quotes Jon Favreau’s Blog:
Stan Winston Studios has been unveiling suits for us. Once again, they have exceeded our expectations. Those of you who follow my career know that I am very skeptical about the overuse of CGI.
I am happy to report that the film will be a healthy mix of both computer generated and practical effects. My goal is to make the two integrate in a way that they usually do not.Lastly, this thing is huge. I’ve never been involved with a film this size. I’ve been prepping for almost a year and feel extremely confident in the enormously qualified team we’ve assembled. I would be lying, however, if I didn’t admit that the scale of this project was daunting. I’m pretty confident that I’ve done and will continue to do my homework and that I’m ready, but so much is unknown.
I just love how he emphasizes the very things he knows all the comic geeks and movie nuts are going to criticize. If every last moment of Stark in the can is going to be CGI, it will just look empty and fake. Ok, it might still look cool, but I like that they are putting him in a suit just so we can see how REAL the costume is. That will make the CGI bits look that much more convincing.
Favreau is coming out like a big comic geek, and although he has directed a good pile of stuff already, this is EASILY the biggest task he has yet to do. It’s gotta be pretty intimidating to know that if he screws the pooch on this one, it could end his career. Or make him bigger than Peter Jackson. (I had to…)
Go to Movies Online to see the whole excerpt.