Jennifer Garner to Appear in Abrams’ Star Trek

I am VERY excited about the next Star Trek movie. They keep calling it Star Trek 11, but recently we found out that just to piss off John, they are calling it Star Trek. No adjectives or subtitles, no numbers. Of course this makes sense seeing as how its not a sequel. But now that its all official, the casting rumours are flying. First big one out of the gate is Jennifer Garner and she is being rumoured as Spock’s love interest.

Cinema Blend says:

The latest Star Trek casting rumor doesn’t involve one of the primary cast members, but a love interest. TrekMovie has picked up a story from the Star which says Jennifer Garner may show up in the film as a love interest for Mr. Spock. Wait a minute, isn’t Kirk supposed to get all of the chicks? I guess he only gets the green ones.

I am going to throw my vote in with the writer at Cinematical and treat this as I did the “Matt Damon as Kirk” buzz. I think this is purely rumour to generate publicity. Sure, I would LOVE to see Jennifer Garner in this. I would watch it if it was nothing but Jennifer slurping soup. But I don’t know that we can expect to see her in this. Granted, she does have a bit of a geek side to her. She played a comic book character (Elektra) TWICE. She plays serious just as well as goofy immature. And she looks good in ANYTHING. So its not a stretch by her skills.

The rumours seem to speculate any number of characters that were linked romantically to Spock in the original series but one thing needs to be clear here. This is a REBOOT of the series. All history is off. The idea of a reboot is that it allows for the writers to do ANYTHING without having to cling to the canon of the 10 previous movies and TV Series. It doesn’t matter who Spock was engaged to. This is not THAT Spock.

Maybe this Spock won’t even be half Human! It doesn’t matter. All the doors are open. There are no rules.

News like this makes me encouraged to see that they are mixing things up. If they made Kirk a woman, people would criticize the reboot of trying to copy the Battlestar Galactica model. But we know they are going to change major details.

And I love it.

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