Oh Good – A 50 Cent Fast and the Furious Rip Off

Did I miss something??? Was I the only person who saw how horrendously terrible Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson was in Get Rich or Die Trying??? I guess so, because apparently, a studio just can’t wait to get him on camera again. But wait… it gets even better film fans!!!! This time it’s a fast and furious rip off movie too! Yay!

The good folks over at MovieWeb give us this:

Universal Pictures has set Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Lozano to direct Live Bet, a drag-racing vehicle for Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, according to Variety. The heist film script is set in the world of underground clubs and illegal car racing. The original was set in New York; rewrite adds several locations including Las Vegas and Philadelphia. the studio hopes to be in production by late summer.

It’s funny… every time a movie gets announced that will have a music star as the lead, i write a post about how musicians shouldn’t get leads in films. Then… all the comments from people who disagree with me… to be quickly followed by the movie coming out and proving I was right.

Look folks, I’m NOT saying a musician doesn’t have a CHANCE at doing a good job. There is a CHANCE they might. But that doesn’t stop it from being a bad idea. But at the same time, if you play reverse Russian Roulette (5 bullets with only 1 empty chamber) there is a CHANCE you might live… but it’s still a stupid idea to try.

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