Pathfinder is a film that has had my blood simmering for quite some time. I am bananas about all things viking. Viking myth and culture has fascinated me sine I was 7 and the love has never faded. When I heard about a movie about a lost viking, being raised by Native Americans and then fighting against vikings! (tear)….It has been a long wait. Today movieweb has an exclusive interview with the star of the film Karl Urban (check it out). Here is a brief synopsis of the film from the interview:
Inspired by actual events, and shot as a graphic novel, the film follows Ghost from a young Viking, the only survivor of his ship; he’s adopted by the local Indian tribe, who raised him to become a skilled hunter and warrior. When the Vikings return to the land, Ghost is faced with the choice of fighting for his people or for the ones who raised him.
This will be my Friday, no doubt about that. Urban seems to suggest that the film is non – stop action; which is a bit of a relief for me, because I know it will have some romance – and romance usually means slowdown. I loved the trailer, the location shots look creepy and the vikings look like war machines. From what I have seen It was enough to give me a full on violence erection. I am trying my best not to set my expectations too high, but It is getting tougher and tougher as time tics on.