You know those people who say “Eww, I think this milk is spoiled…. try it!”
Well that is pretty much the routine we get from the fine people at SlashFilm
Last year we warned you that Jessica Simpson was making a remake of the 1988 Mike Nichols romantic comedy Working Girl. We knew from the start that Blonde Ambition would be horrible.
Honestly, I didnt think it looked too terrible. In fact it looks pretty good.
Yes, Jessica Simpson cannot act. I said LOOKED good. The ringlets, red lipstick, oh and keep an eye out for that scene where she is wearing the Oktoberfest get up with the beer. Hmm.. beer.
So granted this is just another eyecandy vehicle for Simpson, and will likely get overlooked because of ANY other movie coming out that weekend. But it might be fun just to see Simpson in a variety of appealing outfits.
And poor Rachel Leigh Cook. I always liked her. Shes not a superstar, but I did enjoy her for the most part. She’s playing a supporting role to Simpson. How painful.
Oh, and Willie Nelson is in this too. Dirty old man chasing around Simpson. Hey, I would.
Go to SlashFilm to see the Trailer.