Iron Man ON SET Images

On a secretive night mission, some guys over at got some shots of Iron Man in the final suit ON SET.

They are confident that they are going to be told to take the pictures down, but I hope they dont. This doesn’t give much away, and it looks fucking AWESOME!

I love that they are not going to be CGI raping IronMan and Robert Downey Jr/his stunt man get to actually WEAR the suit. reports

I have to tell you, the security was super tight, way more than the other night. I was surprised we didn’t get caught just walking around the area. First of all the production is huge. It seems to grow each day.

We were able to get pretty close to the set this time, at one point we were only about 20 feet away from the action and were able to see some really great stuff.

The scene we saw was of Iron Man on his back in the actual fucking suit!

Obviously, we had to be careful since I had a video camera on me. We saw them rehearse over and over again. I shot as much as I could but we had to keep hiding from the people on set. I am assuming this scene is right after the one we saw the first time, after Iron Man and [Character Name/Potential Spoiler Removed] get blown through the wall on the side of the freeway.

There are some potential spoilers in the article, but if you dare check out for more images… while you can.

Thanks for the head’s up Alex.

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