Nick Cage To Play Al Capone

This is by far the most outlandish news of the day! Nick Cage is set to star as a young Al Capone in an Untouchables prequel. We get the scoop from movieweb:

MTV reports that Nicolas Cage will reteam with Snake Eyes director Brian DePalma for The Untouchables: Capone Rising, playing a younger version of the character made famous by Robert DeNiro. Capone Rising is a prequel to DePalma’s 1987 classic The Untouchables, and will revolve around the early dealings between Capone and Irish cop Jimmy Malone, a role that garnered an Oscar for Sean Connery.

The windy city used to be a fabled nefarious place, sadly after the booze barons were taken down the city lost its luster. Crime is what made Chicago great, and we can celebrate the former glory of the city through the art of cinema.

I am not a fan of prequels, and I do not think Untouchables needs a sequel of any sort. But this is fucking awesome. I cannot wait to see Nick Cage as Al Capone, in Face-Off he was over the top as a villain and I would like to see him do more villainous acts. To have Nick Cage take his own “Nick Cage” spin on Capone will be a treat, of this I am certain.

I have been running low on Nick Cage and this is just what the doctor ordered.

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