Smokin Aces Gets Direct To DVD Prequel

smkacs.jpgIt looks like Smokin Aces is selling well in DVD format, so much so that a direct to DVD prequel has been given the go ahead. We get the story and the following excerpt from the moviehole:

Director Joe Carnahan says on his official site that Universal are so pleased with the numbers that the film – released earlier this year – the film is doing on disc, that they want another one. One that they can release direct to DVD.
“Universal wants to move ahead with a direct-to-video prequel of ‘Smokin’ and asked me if I wanted to Godfather the thing and make sure we did a really cool story. The DVD numbers ‘Smokin’ Aces’ has done are astounding and they want to strike while the iron is hot. Whatever reluctance I have is alleviated by the fact that we can really do this balls out, hardcore prequel and not be constrained by ratings or any other puritanical MPAA bullsh*t. That I love.”

I enjoyed Smokin Aces. The end was horrible, and the story line about the old mobster dude was lame – but over all the movie was a fun ride. I loved the different groups of hitmen and how we got to follow them as they each used their own particular style to get to Buddy “Aces” Israel. If the movie spent more time on the hitmen and less time on the cop drama, I think I would of loved it instead of liking it.

It will be interesting to see what direction they go with the prequel. I hope it focuses on the bounty hunters and their previous kills. I loved quite a few of the bounty hunters and think a great prequel film could be made about any of them. The direct to DVD movies are going to start piling out soon, it will be interesting to see what the quality is like, and if any of them will be able to atain a cult following. We will be soon awash in waves of media.

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