Star Wars Celebration IV – Lucas to Announce More Films?

I have all the faith in the world that when George Lucas says he wont do something, that likely means “I won’t until I change my mind”

Steve Sansweet had debunked the future Star Wars movies on TV rumors that were sparked by an article on (featuring an interview with George Lucas). I will admit, I took Sansweet at his word while others did not. They kept the faith in George and went with the theory that he had accidentally let something slip. Heck, I argued against that idea.

I have never wanted to be wrong more in my life. Cheers, to wishful thinking. There is supposed to be some sort fo big announcement at CIV tomorrow (May 25th) so keep your fingers crossed.

I love Lucas, warts and all. I owe him my soul for the Star Wars franchise. Which makes it hurt that much more when he does things that drive me crazy.

Its the ones closest to you that have the ability to hurt you the most.

But honestly if there is one thing you can count on from George Lucas is that he never keeps his word. He SWORE that Star Wars will never come out on DVD.

Then after the prequel trilogy did come out on dvd, he SWORE that the original Trilogy never would. They did.

Then he SWORE the original cuts of the Original Trilogy would never be released in any fashion. They did.

Now he swears that there will not be any more films EVER! Well to me that half says “I will let you know when we start working on them”

Now this big mystery announcement is not likely to be a feature film announcement, but rather the first “official” public announcement of the Animated series and the planned live action ongoing series. That would be my guess.

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