Willis Backs Wiseman As Director

Some have doubted the ability of Len Wiseman to take the reigns of the Die Hard series, today Bruce Willis responds to them. We get the scoop from IMDB:

Movie star Bruce Willis has defended his directorial choice in Die Hard sequel, Live Free Or Die Hard, insisting Len Wiseman provided a “great collaboration”. The actor reprises his role as police officer John McClane in the upcoming movie, but critics aren’t convinced the 34-year-old Underworld director has the experience to do justice to the franchise. However, Willis tells British film magazine Empire, “You know, Len Wiseman did a great job. He was a little kid running around the backyard when we did the first film but he was a fan. He actually made a film when he was 15 that was his version of Die Hard. On set I’d give him the gun and say, ‘Show me how to do a 1986 Die Hard.’ “I told Len early on that I was the keeper of the keys to this film, and he wanted that. There wasn’t anyone else on the set that worked on all four films, so he came to me a lot of times and said, ‘What do you think?’ It was a great collaboration.”

It is kind of Bruce to have Wiseman’s back when people start talking shit. Bruce rightly points out that he is the common thread and only person “on set” to be in all the films. I do not think it is a bad idea at all to use Willis as a check and balance for the new film. He knows John McLean better than anybody and Willis more than anybody is interested in the character staying awesome.

The test for Wiseman will be upon the film’s release. The movie going audience is the final judge and jury, and we will see what kind of Die Hard offering he will have for us. I must say that I have enjoyed the trailers and it looks like it will be another frenzied celebration of non-stop action. Bruce Willis has stood up for Wiseman, now Wiseman has to stand behind his work and hope it makes the detractors eat their words.

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