Wolverine And Magneto Release NEws

xmen1.jpgFresh news today about the release dates of the upcoming X-Men spin-off films. We get the following scoop from XMF via JoBlo:

XMF contacted Tom Rothman yesterday, and the chairman for 20th Century Fox filmed entertainment took the time out of his Memorial Day holiday to e-mail us back! We were curious if Wolverine was still planned for the tentative 2008 release, or if Magneto (currently with director) might be released earlier than expected.

“It’s really soon to tell.” said Rothman. The most important thing is to get the movies right! If I had to guess, I’d say Wolvie in ‘08 and Mag in ‘09, but it could change.”

No big surprises here. I think we all knew that the films would be made available to us as soon as possible (to keep the money train moving right along). We do learn that Wolverine is coming out first, and that film will arguably be the bigger of the two. I was sceptical of Jackman as Wolverine at first but have come to enjoy him as the character quite a bit, and look forward to him in a solo film.

After having 3 ensemble films it will be interesting to see how they focus in on each character. I personally am more interested in Magneto than Wolverine, but the Magneto project will be a harder movie to make exciting. With so many comic book projects on the go, I get concerned that quality may suffer, and I hope they do not bastardize either of these characters with horrible solo projects.

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