Emma Watson Welcomes Fame

How I love to poke fun at the primadonna import beer swilling age of minority Harry Potter starlet Emma Watson. But I have to tell you that she is starting to grow on me. Relax Darren, I meant that I am starting to like her… You know. Respect her?

ContactMusic.com quotes:

The 17-year-old has been thrust into the spotlight since she starred in 2001’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – but says she has no problem being spotted. She says, “Fame happened when I was so young but I don’t find it difficult to have a nice ordinary life. “People who try to hide from fame can make it go completely the wrong way. All those huge designer shades make them look like bugs. And walking around with bodyguards draws more attention to you. “I think the best way to live is to try and live as normal as possible.”

As it would appear the media has painted her up as a substance abusing primadonna (hey aren’t We the media?) and it might actually turn out that little Miss Watson was simply carrying on life as usual.

So they caught a picture of her drinking a beer. A teenager drinking beer? That NEVER happens unless you are a celebrity child actor spiralling out of control!

This girl might just be on to something. And I am really starting to like her more because of it.

She is famous. She knows it. She has accepted that. The more she tries to hide from the paparazzi, the more valuable pictures of her will become and the more crazed they will get to snap a rare photo of her. The more secluded she tries to get, the more people harass her for personal details of her life.

So she lives in the open.

I bet they pretty much leave her alone. Peace at last.

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