Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer Gets PG Rating

ff4.jpgIt looks like th edecree has come down from th MPAA and Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer will have a PG rating we get the following scoop and commentary from /FILM:

We’ve actually become moderately excited to see Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Like most other self respecting comic book geeks, we hated the first film. But somehow the action sequences from the trailers and tv spots sucked us in for the sequel.

We believed there might be a slight chance of it being good (although in the back of our minds we are expecting the worst). And one of my biggest complaints about the first film is that it is way too kiddie. Well guess what. The MPAA has spoken and given Rise a PG-rating. So we’re probably in for a disappointment.

I personally do not think the movie will suck because of the PG rating, I think the movie will suck because the last one did (i think this will follow suit), and because of The Storm Cloud. I had hopes early on for this movie, against my better judgement and with recent news coming to the surface – I have no desire to see it. In fact I will avoid it at all costs. I prefer not to support people that make such poor decisions about Galactus.

I have no problem with PG movies as long as they are good. It is important to remember that a PG film is still able to bring about emotion in a powerful way. Old Yeller is a good example of this, any person that is not moved at the end scene of Old Yeller, is a person with a driftwood heart. Good stuff can come from a PG movie; I just don’t see it happening in this film.

I would prefer a PG movie with Galactus over a Restricted movie with a Stormcloud, we will get neither.

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