Hey there guys,
We don’t usually do “contests” around here, but the good folks over at Universal sent us a couple of Dead Silence (a movie both Doug and I surprisingly liked) DVDs to giveaway. So here’s the idea.
Between now and Sunday, get a friend or 2 or 3 together and in 30 seconds to 1 minute, record your best/funniest Movie Blog Podcast imitation. Make sure to compress it in MP3 format and email it to me. Doug, Bruxy, Darren and I will select the best ones and send out the dvds accordingly. The best one will get it’s own post here on the front page for all to hear and will be included in the next Monday Roundtable show.
Your satire can be with just Doug and I, or with the whole crew, or any combination thereof. Go nuts. Can’t wait to hear what you guys come up with.