A Short Begging Open Letter To Lucasfilm – Make The Thrawn Trilogy

Thrawn-TrilogyHey George,

I know you’re busy pulling the practical joke known as Indiana Jones 4 right now, but if you take just a minute of your time to read this, it would be much appreciated.

Like a lot of people in my age range, I waited most of my life for you to make some new Star Wars films. What you achieved with the original trilogy and how much ground you broke and how much you changed the industry will probably never be duplicated. It defined Science Fiction, and for those of us who were but young children at the time, it defined for us what imagination was. For that we will always be in your debt.

My first disappointment with the Star Wars universe was long before the release of Phantom Menace. It was just after it was announced that new Star Wars movies were on the way, and it was revealed that the new films would be “PREQUELS” (a term never used until Phantom Menace really). My heart was broken. I was still excited to see new Star Wars adventures, but I wanted to see what came NEXT… not what happened BEFORE. I got over it eventually and started getting enthused for Phantom Menace.

The purpose of this note is not to talk about Phantom Menace or any of the prequel really. But rather to ask that in your infinite wisdom you consider either A) doing, or B) allowing someone else to do new films based on the Star Wars universe. Specifically films based on what is known as “The Thrawn Trilogy” (Heir To The Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) by Timothy Zahn.

In my opinion, those books… that story… is the true heir to the Star Wars legacy. The centerpiece of which was a new villain worthy of darth vader himself… GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN!!! A military and cultural genius who collected the remnants of the Imperial Fleet a few years after their defeat at Endor and made them a major power and threat again in the universe.

Georgio my man… forget the TV stuff… forget the animated stuff… commission someone (maybe even Zahn himself) to start adapting these 3 amazing books into a film treatment. This story about Thrawn could make believers out of so many disenfranchised Star Wars fans who lost their faith after the new trilogy. Bring us Thrawn! Joruus C’Baoth commands it! Pretty please. PPPLLLEEAASSEEE!!!

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