Not exactly movie related… but hell, almost every comic book gets spun into a movie these days, so it’s practically movie news. My buddy Paul Ens and I once made a short film together when I lived in Saskatchewan Canada. Then, the big jerk landed the dream job… the director of Lucas Online. Yup, he got to leave our little town and go run Starwars.Com and basically everything else Lucas has online. He’s one of those quality guys who just excels at whatever he puts his hands too.
Now Paul has a new venture that I wanted to tell you all about. He and some friends have started a new Comic Book label that is already getting massive buzz! The company is called “Red 5 Comics” (bonus points to whoever can tell me what that comes from), and their first couple of titles are now up and running and they’re taking advanced orders now.
The titles they’ve got lined up (one of which Paul writes) look amazing. I’ve already started reading them and they are every bit as good as they look! Crisp dialog, smooth action, and funny too. So head on over to Red 5 and check out what they’ve got going on. If you’re into comics, you’ll be glad you did.