Rabies Horror Film “Rec” Getting Remade

Rec-RabiesI don’t know why, but movies about scary diseases getting out amongst the population freak the hell out of me. That’s probably why I love that Dustin Hoffman flick “Outbreak” so much. Makes me unnerved to say the least.

Anyway, there is this spanish film that goes by the name of “Rec“. I’ve heard of it before, but must confess to knowing basically nothing about it. It’s being reported now that this film is getting remade into english… and after reading the short synopsis from the good folks over at Coming Soon, I’m sure glad they are:

In the film, a downtown Los Angeles apartment building is quarantined after a mysterious deadly and highly contagious strain of rabies breaks out. A reporter and her cameraman are among those trapped inside.

See… now I just read that, and I already feel all itchy and feel the need to sterilize stuff and take 4 showers. Creepy creepy

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