Thomas Haden Church And Eddie Murphy In NowhereLand

Thomas-Haden-Church-2I’ve been a fan of Thomas Haden Church ever since his TV show Wings. Damn I loved that show… not sure why… but I did. He had that short stint on a show he had the lead in called “Ned and Stacey” (with Debra Messing who later went on to do Will and Grace) but the show never really found its audience. But it’s funny what an Oscar Nomination can do you for (that he so deservedly got for his role in Sideways a couple of years ago). Suddenly he’s a villain in Spider-Man 3, and now it looks like he’s hooking up with Eddie Murphy in the new comedy “NowhereLand”

Yahoo News reports:

The Paramount Pictures film centers on a struggling businessman who solves his troubles at work by consulting his 6-year-old daughter and the imaginary world she has created. Church will play a ruthless workplace rival of Murphy’s character. Shooting is scheduled to begin next month in Los Angeles. Karey Kirkpatrick (“Over the Hedge”) will direct. The film is set for release in September 2008.

I’m really happy for Church. He’s also got a couple of other movies coming out with Dennis Quaid (Smart People) and Sandra Bullock (All About Steve), so it looks like he’s keeping himself busy. As for “NowhereLand”… hmmm.. I don’t know. Yet another Eddie Murphy family comedy that he seems to squeeze in between paternity lawsuits. Eddie is the ultimate bi-polar performer. He’ll totally suck one day… and then be remarkable another. This one looks like a pass to me… but as in all things lets wait and see.

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