Ricky Gervais Directs This Side of the Truth

Ricky-Gervais-TruthRicky Gervais is just brilliant. I’ve been watching some of his one man show recently and just been getting the biggest kick out of it. He has a sense of timing and a way of playing the casual into something outrageously funny. He also seems to manage his career with great care and caution. Now it seems he is ready to direct his first motion picture that he’ll also star in called “This Side of the Truth”

The good folks over at Sci-Fi give us this:

Gervais had committed to co-direct the comedy with his co-writer Matt Robinson. The movie marks Gervais’ feature-directing debut and first major project since wrapping the HBO series Extras. This Side of the Truth is set in a contemporary world where no one has ever lied. Gervais will play a performer who tells the first lie and harnesses its power for personal gain.

Sounds like a terrific idea for a film… a little bit of a reverse Liar Liar where he’s the one man who can lie… as opposed to the one man who must always tell the truth. I’ll admit though that it sounds like a premise more suited to a 7 minute SNL skit or 30 minute special than a 90-120 minute movie. But then again so does the premise for Liar Liar and that worked out just fine didn’t it?

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