Robotech Movie

Robotech-MovieOne of the cartoons I loved watching as a kid was Robotech… and I always thought it would make a pretty good live action movie. Well guess what folks… looks like there is indeed a live action Robotech movie coming our way! The folks over at Superherohype give us the following:

Warner Bros. Pictures has picked up the rights to bring anime classic “Robotech,” which featured giant robots known as mechas, to the big screen. “Spider-Man” franchise star Tobey Maguire is producing through his Maguire Entertainment and is eyeing the lead role in what the studio plans on being a tentpole sci-fi franchise.

“We are very excited to bring ‘Robotech’ to the big screen,” Maguire said. “There is a rich mythology that will be a great foundation for a sophisticated, smart and entertaining film.”

Yeah… so if this doesn’t spell “NO MAGUIRE FOR SPIDER-MAN 4” I don’t know what does. I think this is terrific news and with how well Transformers pulled off the giant Robots thing, I think it’s clear they can now do this film without it looking ridiculous.

Now, some people may object and ask me why I think an anime project like Robotech will work and a film like Dragonball Z won’t work. The answer is pretty simple… Robotech is much much much more palatable for a general movie going audience who hasn’t heard of it before, than Dragonball Z would be for people who haven’t followed it already. Neither of these franchise have a large enough pre-existing fan base to be a hit movie on their own… they would both also need to appeal to the general movie goer… and Robotech will do that I believe (especially after Transformers)… Dragonball Z won’t (at least not to the same degree).

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