Russell Crowe To Star in ‘Body of Lies’

russell-crowe.jpgFor all you readers out there who are huge Russell Crowe fans, I have some good news for you. Crowe has been reported to filming his next feature, Body of Lies in Maryland.

The good folks at Moviesonline give us this:

“Body of Lies” is a thriller based on the novel by David Ignatius, a columnist for the Washington Post. Leonardo Dicaprio also stars. Interestingly enough, Crowe starred in Dicaprio’s film “The Quick and The Dead” in 1995, also a western. “Lies” will be directed by Ridley Scott, making this Scott’s fourth time working with Crowe, including “Gladiator,” “A Good Year” and this fall’s “American Gangster.”

Russell Crowe, Leonardo Dicaprio and Ridley Scott sounds like ingredients to a great film in the making. Personally, we all know Russell Crowe has great judgment when picking roles, (he just doesn’t have great judgment in his personal affairs.) so this to me sounds like a film that will be highly anticipated in 2008. What are your thoughts?

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