Sicko – Third Highest Grossing Documentary of All Time

Sicko is just a flat out terrific documentary. I’ve said this before… but when FOX comes out and gives a Michael Moore film a positive review… you know it must be good. For those of you who don’t know, Sicko is the documentary that looks at the American system of privatized, for-profit, health system in comparison to the health systems run by most of the world.

Anyway, because of the lack of “sexiness” to the topic (unlike Bowling for Columbine or F 9/11), a lot of people didn’t really think it would do much. Well… it did pretty well and has just become the third highest grossing documentary of all time. The folks over at Comingsoon give us this:

SiCKO, Michael Moore’s highly acclaimed and entertaining expose of the American health care system, has just become the third highest grossing documentary of all time grossing $24.2 million domestically since it debuted in theaters on June 29th. SiCKO, one of the most talked about films of the year, moved into third place taking the spot of previous record holder An Inconvenient Truth and behind Moore’s previous film Fahrenheit 9/11 and March of the Penguins.

The film really is terrific and lacks that smarmy sort of edge that Moore brings to most of his projects (I like his smarminess… but in a project like this one, it’s good he left it out of it). I really suggest you watch this one. Agree or disagree with it, it gives lots of food for thought and is a terrific launch pad for discussion.

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