15 thoughts on “TMB’S 3:10 To Yuma Review

  1. great movie favorite movie of the year so far by a long shot….IMO Daniel Day Lewis is the best actor right now I just wish he did more movies…Russel Crowe and Christan Bale were both outstanding in this movie.

  2. Hey jladfs

    I don’t think anyone is hating on Luke… the problem was throwing him in there as a cameo was quite shocking and did instantly pull you out of the movie. Would have been the same if it had been Edward Norton or Bruce Willis. It just wasn’t the type of film that should have had big name cameos

  3. Why all the hate for Luke Wilson? He can act and hes definitely better than his brother even tho his brother has been more successful it seems acting-wise. Sure you aren’t mixing him up for Owen Wilson (shaggy-haired blonde boy).

    …unless I’m mixing them up. Luke Wilson is the only reason I enjoyed watching Vacancy.

  4. @Jordan

    OMG Luke Wilson was EXTREMELY distracting. People in my theater began to giggle like mad when he showed up onscreen. The movie completely had me, and then he had to show up. Boo. His sorry ass still wasn’t enough to keep me from loving the hell out of the movie.

  5. Yes, excellent movie, but not perfect. There were a couple of moments that seems a bit unlikely or didn’t fit.

    Luke Wilson has a bit part that completely pulled me out of the movie. It’s not that he did a horrible job or anything, it was just that his presence draws attention.

  6. Totally agree. This is the best movie I have seen this year. Russell Crowe may be the best “bad guy” in a western since Bruce Dern in “The Cowboys” (1972). And yes, Christian Bale was phenomenal. Whoever played his 14 year old son was also solid. I’m not a big western fan but I really hope this injects some life into the genre.

  7. Oh and also Ben Foster is a terrific actor that just hasn’t had the roles to be able to show it. He was in a kiddy show I watched when I was little called Fast Forward on Disney I believe. It’s amazing how far he has come. I’m glad he is getting to show his talent more.

  8. so true actually. I wouldn’t even give my favorite movie EVER a perfect 10/10. It would get a 9/10 because there a couple scenes or aspects about something occuring that could be slightly better handled.

    I still need to see 3:10 to Yuma. You praise Russel Crowe as the best actor currently…WRONG!!!! Christian Bale holds that title for suuuuure! :)

  9. Hey KOKO

    Not afraid to give something a perfect mark… but as I’ve often said… just because you don’t do anything WRONG… doesn’t mean you did everything perfectly. Yuma did nothing “wrong” in my opinion… but that doesn’t mean there weren’t things it did right that it could have done better.

  10. I was going to go see it last Friday but got sidetracked by other stuff so I’ve planned to go this week and see it :) heard alot of great things about it and now seeing this makes it even better. Thanks for the review there John.

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