Hey there folks. As we talked about the other day, Transformers (best summer popcorn flick ever) is coming to IMAX on September 21st in all its big roboticky sweet goodness. I seriously can not wait to see this thing on that screen… I’m all giddy just thinking about it. As a matter of fact, I’m going to be in Los Angeles when it opens, so I’m pumped as hell (you don’t have to live in LA… just someplace where they have an IMAX).
Anyway, the powers that be in Transformersville have provided some sweet Cybertonian crack to give you your energon fix. We’ve got 50 pairs of Transformers IMAX tickets to give away! Not just tickets… but also:
1 Optimus Prime Toy
1 Hat
1 Bumblebee Key Chain
1 BEEOTCH Air Freshener
Here’s how we’re doing this thing folks… for the tickets, it’s a simple draw. To enter the draw, just send an email with your name and mailing address to:
If you also want your name in the draw for any other other prizes (like the Optimus Prime Toy), in your email include a PICTURE OF YOU AT WORK WITH A COUPLE OF YOUR WORKMATES HOLDING UP A SIGN THAT SAYS “THE MOVIE BLOG” on it. Or just a good pic of you with something to do with The Movie Blog in the shot. Got it? Good.
Winners will be announced Wednesday! Good luck!
**UPDATE** Holy CRAP!!!! The entries are coming in faster than premature ejaculation! Tons of entries, and even a whole whack of pics! Check out a couple we’ve already received! Get yours in soon!