One of the great things about movies is that they give a platform sometimes to telling great and important real life stories dealing with real life issues that deserve to be brought to our attention. This IS NOT one of those situations.
Apparently MTV and Paramount are looking at developing a movie based on the real life incident a couple of years ago where a kid at a school event (watching the Olympic torch go through their town) waited for the TV cameras to be on them and then opened up a giant banner reading “BONG HITS 4 JESUS”.
The banner got taken away from them by the principal, and the kid in question got suspended for 10 days for “promoting illegal Drug Use at a school function”. And rightly so.
The kid appealed to the superintendent… and lost. He then appealed to the board… and lost. He then appealed to the court… and lost. he then appealed to the appellate court… and WON. But then that got appealed to the Supreme Court… and he lost. Again, rightly so.
You see, this kid tried to make this whole thing a free speech issue and made himself out to be some holy crusader for free speech. But in reality he was just a smart ass kid who decided to be a smart ass and try to draw attention to himself. He got busted… and decided to try to draw more attention to himself by making a case out of it… and thankfully he lost.
Make no mistake, this who thing wasn’t about free speech. It was about a dumb ass kid being a smart ass at an official School Function, waved around a banner in front of TV cameras promoting illegal drug use, and he got suspended for it. GOOD. It’s mildly amusing that Paramount and MTV want to try to make a hero out of this half wit kid.
There are stories that deserve to be told. This isn’t one of them.
(You can read more about the original story here)
(Source: Cinematical)