Films That Deserved Better – Frailty

FrailtyFILMS THAT DESERVED BETTER is an ongoing feature here on The Movie Blog of movies that failed to attract an audience at the theaters and failed to perform well at the boxoffice, yet were exceptional films. We just want to give out a hardy slap on the back and say “We love ya anyway”.

Who would have ever thought that the guy who played the little weasel used car salesman in True Lies could turn out to be a fantastic director? Bill Paxton completely knocked it out of the park with his first attempt behind the camera with Frailty. A combination of horror and psychological thriller, Paxton weaves together a thoroughly creative and original story with such tension, atmosphere and pacing you are completely and helplessly engaged the whole runtime.

Paxton and Matthew McConaughey turn in fantastic performances, and to be honest I don’t think McConaughey has ever been better that he was in Frailty.

In speaking about “twist” endings, I’m not sure that any film has ever had a twist at the end that was both as surprising, and thoroughly satisfying at the same time. I thought about this film for days after seeing it just for the way it all ended.

What astounds me is that Paxton can direct a film like this one… then show some diversity by doing a respectable job directing Shia LaBeouf in “The Greatest Game Ever Played”, and yet hasn’t been handed anything else to helm. Even though “Greatest Game” wasn’t a fantastic film, as far as I’m concerned Paxton is 2 for 2 and I’d be happy to hire him if I were producing a film.

Sadly, Frailty failed to find a large audience only pulling in $13 million… what’s even sadder is that unlike Office Space (which also did poorly at the box office) it also never really found an audience on DVD either… which is a DAMN SHAME. This is a SOLID and worthy film. Do yourself a favor and run out to grab this puppy… and watch it with the lights on.

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