Mark Millar Denied Superman Returns Sequel

Mark Millar’s work on the Ultimates has gained him the critical acclaim that most comic book writers DREAM of. So when we heard the news that he wanted to pitch a treatment for a Superman Returns sequel, I thought this might be one of the best guys to do it. However, WB won’t touch him. The reason might surprise you. quotes Mark Millar:

I’m a Marvel guy and we were surprised to find out that WB couldn’t hire me for a DC property. They were incredibly nice and superbly apologetic about it, but when they discussed the matter seriously DC explained just how associated I am with Marvel Comics at the moment and it’s against company policy to hire the competition. It’s absolutely nothing personal. I spoke to some friends at DC and they explained this has happened with a couple of big Marvel writers in the last couple of years and I absolutely respect that.

So despite his popularity and track record for writing quality superhero stories (something the franchise NEEDS) he gets shot down because he is sleeping with the enemy.

Its like getting fired from a job because you are overqualified. You still feel bad that you no longer have the job, but you can at least walk out the door with your head held high because you were released because you are too good for them.

Millar isn’t too good for Superman. He is just good for Marvel, and that counts against him.

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