Mark Wahlberg Replaces Ryan Gosling In The Lovely Bones

Ryan-Gosling-BonesThis was some pretty interesting news to find out today. Ryan Gosling has apparently been replaced the day before shooting Peter Jackson’s new film ‘The Lovely Bones’ by another A-list actor, Mark Wahlberg.

Slashfilm gives us this:

Wahlberg has taken the role of Jack Salmon, the grieving father of a 14-year-old girl from suburban Pennsylvania who is murdered by her neighbor. She tells the story from Heaven, showing the lives of the people around her and how they have changed all while attempting to get someone to find her lost body. Rachel Weisz plays the girl’s mother.

According to Variety, Ryan Gosling left on Friday after gaining 20 pounds and growing a beard for the job. Sources have attributed the exit to “creative differences.” The movie begins shooting today in Pennsylvania, where Wahlberg most recently finished on M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening for Fox. I’m sure there is a very interesting story behind this last minute move, that will leak out sooner or later.

This is a really ballsy move to make and will most likely have a negative effect on the film. Mark Wahlberg is a wonderful actor, but he has had little to no time to prepare for this role. Ryan Gosling was committed enough to change his physical appearance and probably had months to prepare for role. There must be a real interesting story behind Ryan leaving a DAY before shooting. You don’t just replace an actor a day before shooting because of just “creative differences.” Something sounds fishy here, and we’ll most likely hear more details about the Peter Jackson/Ryan Gosling conflict very soon. What are your guy’s thoughts on this news?

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