You knew it was only a matter of time, and it looks like the time is approaching. The Weinsteins have confirmed that they fully intend on making Scream 4. The folks over at JoBlo share the following:
They continue: “The fans have been asking for a 4th Scream movie for years and we’re finally giving it to them. As far as details go, we’re only in the planning stages and we may not get around to it [Scream 4] for quite some time, but rest assured, it will happen.” The one positive to come out of this – maybe – is that SCREAM 3 scribe Ehren Kruger most likely won’t be on board: he’s just been assigned the chore of writing TRANSFORMERS 2.
Ok, here’s another situation where I’m a little out of step with many other film fans (especially Serena). I really don’t get the big deal about the first Scream movie (Don’t get me started on the other 2). Don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying it was BAD or anything like that… I just don’t see the huge appeal that makes so many people rank it so high on their all time favorite horror lists. To me it was somewhat predictable, not really frightening and sort of underwhelming. Although it was quite original and certainly gets points for that.
With the strike coming, it’s not surprising that they’re saying it may take a while to get this thing made… but it is indeed coming. So what do you think? Happy or Sad to hear they’re making a Scream 4?