Months upon months of speculation and casting rumors is finally going to come to rest this week as Warner Bros prepares to announce the actors who will play the super heroes so many of us love.
IESB gives us this report:
They tell the IESB that unlike the story ran by the trades, casting is 100% locked. The cast has been chosen and sworn to secrecy but official confirmation will happen sometime this week.
There have been so many names associated with the Justice League throughout the last few months that it would make anybody’s head spin.
I have a question. How the f*ck was WB able to keep the whole casting a secret? There’s no spies, no word of mouth, no accidental leaks, NOTHING! So are you excited to find out the news? I have a feeling that fans around the world are going to be outraged come this weekend. I suggest you guys prepare for the worst (which would include a teeny bopper WB-star filled cast) and hope for the best.
Which actors are you hoping will fill the shoes of your favorite ‘Justice League’ hero?