This was just too cute not to share. A website called Worth1000 had a photoshop contest for making different people look like they were playing the iconic roles from Star Wars. Some of the results were amazing. Here are just ...
I thought this was just hilarious. Every year starting around this time, studios will start putting ads in the major movie trade magazine for their movies that they want Academy members to consider for Oscars. You’ve seen these ads… they’re ...
New Line is known for a lot of things, but animation isn’t one of them. So to hear that they acquired the story to Handmade Films’ Planet 51 was a bit of a surprise. At first I thought they were ...
I hate children. Not really, I exaggerate for comedic reasons, but as someone that does not have the “paternal instinct” I can tell you that I hold them in no high regard. I treat children as equals and judge them ...
Other than hearing about Stop Loss, I haven’t really followed it much or know too much about it beyond the basic premise. I had the chance today to finally see the trailer, and I’ve got to tell you I’m FASCINATED ...
This is some bizarro news. It appears Will Smith may have a production role in an upcoming remake of The Karate Kid. Jackie Chan is rumored to be up for the role of Mr. Miyagi and instead of Karate they ...
TMB reader Kristina sent me these new shots of the upcoming Indiana Jones 4 from AICN. Ok I’ve got to admit, as old as Harrison is looking… it’s damn cool seeing him in the outfit again. He looks old… but ...
It looks like hints are being dropped about Juggernaut getting his own film. The invincible one has always been one of my favorite marvel villains and this is startling news for a Tuesday morn. We get the whispers from IGN: ...
For years we have been hearing about the remake to one of greatest cult classics of all time. For a while there, I thought it wasn’t going to happen, and had a sigh of relief. Now with all the horror ...
Up and coming actress Amy Adams, has joined Frances McDormand to star in the drama, ‘Miss Guinevere Pettigrew.’ Moviesonline gives us these details about the film: In the 1939-set romantic tale, Miss Guinevere Pettigrew (Academy Award winner Frances McDormand), a ...
The gaggle of geeks over at Empire magazine offer up this new cover which features a brand new shot of Heath Ledger as The Joker from the upcoming batman movie “The Dark Knight”. Personally, I’m sorta indifferent to it. We’ve ...
Some ideas just scream for a film to be made about them. It looks like the crew from the Saw series of films are going to do a horror movie about naughty teens that don’t complete their chain letters! We ...