Uncut – WGA Strike Edition

Wga-Strike-Line-2Hey there guys. Here is the latest installment of The Movie Blog Uncut Podcast in both audio and Video. So join us as we discuss

1) THE WGA STRIKE!!! – John explains why he believes the WGA is striking with the wrong goals, why the residual system is outdated, terminally flawed and ultimately ensures the majority of writers will continue to be treated unfairly. The residual system needs to be replaced by another system that treats writers more fairly and compensates writers properly regardless if the movies they write are hits or failures.

We also discuss…

2) Beowulf

3) McG officially directing the next Terminator film

4) Kevin Smith lands Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks to star in “Zack and Miri Make A Porno”

5) Tom Cruise as Hugh Hefner?

6) Man’s Men in movies

You can check out the video here:

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