With so much high profile exposure Ray Winstone is getting right now (Indiana Jones 4, Beowulf) you’d think the 50 year old actor was just getting started. But the man says he’s had enough and is hanging them up. The folks over at DigialSpy report the following:
The 50-year-old Beowulf star admitted he feels like he has had his turn in the spotlight and now his daughters Lois and Jaime should follow in his footsteps. Winstone said: “I’ve achieved it and now I’m finished. I’m going to let my girls get on with it and they can look after me. No more – seriously. That’s it.”
That sounds pretty definite. We’ll see if he follows through… but it does sound serious. Some of us (including me) would ask “Why the hell would you stop? You’re huge right now, why get out of the game? Fair questions to ask. But the reality is this guy now has more money than he’ll ever need, and more money that his kids will ever need. He’s become a big movie star…. so why the hell not just retire early, enjoy your life and your family and play World of Warcraft all day (ok, that’s what I would do).
If this is the end for Winstone, we say “Farwell, and well done sir”.