The Indiana Jones Omnibus

Indiana Jones Temple Of DoomIt looks like the dark lords at Dark Horse Comics are going to be re-releasing some Indy tales and then plan to launch an ongoing series based on the macho film hero. We get the news from IESB:

The Indiana Jones Omnibus I collects the first three stories of the Indiana Jones comics series, and will be available in February 2008 for $24.95. Fans can be expecting new volumes of the omnibus to be released on a quarterly basis throughout the year. A comics adaptation of the film will be released simultaneously with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in May, followed immediately by an all-new Indiana Jones comics series. Indiana Jones Adventures—a digest-sized graphic novel designed for the enjoyment of young readers as well as adults—will be available this summer.

I think the adventures of Dr. Jones are well sited for comic book adventures. The choice to use a digest sized publication is perfect in my humble opinion. You can ram a lot of story into a little book, and each volume will have Indy running cross the globe seeking ancient and mysterious artifacts. If Indy has to live on in another medium – I think this may be as good a fit as you could hope for; now that radio serials are out of fashion.

Indiana Jones is a fantastic character. George Lucas does have incredible gifting when it comes to creating legends. The whip and hat are instantly recognizable and beloved. Who else could carry a whip other than Indy? I wouldn’t make it to 7-11 with a whip on my side; cops would have me thrown against the cruiser faster than you can say freedom. Indy on the other hand could walk around with a whip in the crowded markets of Marrakech without anyone thinking something was awry. Confidence is everything.

This would be a great gift for kids, and or anyone that enjoys comics/adventure stories. The only bad news about the release of this series is that it will not be out in time for gift giving season. I suppose Valentines day will have to do.

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