Voltron Gets A Studio

Voltron-Picked-UpWe’ve been talking for some time about a possible Voltron movie. We knew the rights to the project were picked up some time ago… but the film has been without a studio to date. Well… not anymore. New Regency (Associated with 20th Century Fox) has apparently picked up on the Lion to Robot action. This moves the project one step closer to actually going into production. And with the success of Transformers, you know it’ll happen soon.

The good folks over at Latino Review give us this:

Variety is reporting that New Regency is ready to assemble its own giant robot movie. The 20th Century Fox-based production entity has partnered with the Mark Gordon Co. to adapt “Voltron: Defender of the Universe” into a possible franchise. Producer Mark Gordon has been developing the pic, based on the popular 1980s Japanese animated TV series, comicbooks and toy line, for some time with Justin Marks penning the script.

This has lots of nostalgia soaked into it. But can it work? Voltron was never as popular, or had the generational appeal that Transformers does. It will undoubtedly be compared to Transformers (another giant robot movie) despite the fact that those “in the know” about Voltron will know differently.

Personally, I’m pumped to see this go into production… I’m just a little unsure that it will find its audience. What do you think? Will people (general public people) be excited to see a Voltron movie? What about yourself?

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15 thoughts on “Voltron Gets A Studio

  1. screw this, where the fuck is my Transformers 2? is 600 mil worldwide not good enough for a nonsequel competing with nonstop sequels of established franchises? lets get this trilogygoing again, i need it no later than 2010. damn thats far away.

  2. Lation Review gave the script an A+, and from what was revealed about it, I can see why. I really hope the current script is the one that gets made, Im a sucker for post apocalyptic sci-fi. It changes the mythos a bit, but in a way that makes the story work. There isnt the same built in audience for this as Transformers, but with good marketing they will do fine.

  3. I feel that anything can be done right and apparently the script is awesome. People weren’t at all excited about transformers until they saw the first trailers. When ppl saw the teaser they thought it was gonna be some cheesy little kiddy movie, but when the good stuff started rolling in, they KNEW it was gonna be hot.

    I think Voltron will be able to hold it’s own. It just has to look good. Then the audience will fall in to place.

  4. It’s funny, because my sister thought that Voltron was going to be in the Transformers movie. She didn’t know any better. We, as children, grew up on Voltron and when she saw giant robots in the movie preview, she thought this was it. After I let her know that Voltron isn’t part of Transformers, she actually decided not to see Transformers. She’s not normally a movie going person, mostly bars and concerts instead. She’ll probably go if Voltron is made, and both she and my brother want it to be Live Action. Personally, I don’t care if it’s live action, 2D, CG, whatever, but I know they’ll be more likely to go if it is Live and unlikely to go if it isn’t anything else. I dunno where anyone else stands.

  5. This movie if it happens will be to me what Transformers or even Phantom Menace were to John. Voltron was hands down my favorite show growing up, and ever since I read the script review at Latino Review, I have been sweating anxiously awaiting further news.

    Given the script that I read, I think live action movie would be great. I do agree that the actual robot scenes would be very hard to pull off, but the characters and worlds that they described would be fantastic in a live action setting. And besides, we all thought transformers couldn’t be done, and the robots described in the Voltron script would be **POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT** early versions of the robots, pieced together from pieces of scrap metal. **END SPOILER**.

    If this doesn’t end up happening, I am going to be the saddest person on the face of the planet.

  6. This movie if it happens will be to me what Transformers or even Phantom Menace were to John. Voltron was hands down my favorite show growing up, and ever since I read the script review at Latino Review, I have been sweating anxiously awaiting further news.

    Given the script that I read, I think live action movie would be great. I do agree that the actual robot scenes would be very hard to pull off, but the characters and worlds that they described would be fantastic in a live action setting. And besides, we all thought transformers couldn’t be done, and the robots described in the Voltron script would be **POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT** early versions of the robots, pieced together from pieces of scrap metal. **END SPOILER**.

    If this doesn’t end up happening, I am going to be the saddest person on the face of the planet.

  7. I think this would make for a great CGI animated film. (ala TMNT) I feel if they go the “live action” route it will just end up being silly…

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