Gemma Arterton is the New “Bond Girl”

Ladies and gentlemen, the new girl that James Bond (Daniel Craig) will seduce and eventually dump in ‘Bond 22’ is British actress, Gemma Arterton. (How James Bond has not suffered or succumbed to a STD is beyond me!)

Yahoo!News gives us these details:

Details of Arterton’s character, known as Fields, were not available, but a representative for the film’s Los Angeles-based producer, Danjaq Prods., said “it’s a nice-sized role.”

Talk of Arterton’s casting had been swirling around the blogosphere and in British tabloids since mid-December. Arterton plays a schoolgirl in the comedy “St. Trinian’s,” which was recently released in Britain.

I know what you’re thinking. Who the f*ck is this actress?  Most people expect the ‘Bond’ girl now to be a popular Hollywood actress, and instead they opted for a lesser known (or not at all known) actress.  I have no problem with this casting choice, but I’m not a die hard James Bond fan. 

So what do you guys think about this casting choice?  Do you think Gemma has what it takes to play an infamous Bond girl?

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