Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows To Be Split In Two

Harry-PotterIt looks like Harry’s last hurrah will be a two part affair. We get the following scoop regarding this decision thanks to our friends at movieweb:

The UK’s Mail on Sunday is reporting that the seventh and final Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be split into two separate films. This comes as an artistic decision, not a financial one. The crew working on the sixth Potter film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince were informed of the decision this week. The seventh novel is 776 pages long, and Rowling insists that splitting the film in two will allow fan favorite scenes to stay in the movie.

A source close to the film states, “There’s so much to fit that the view is the last movie should be in two halves. There is a huge battle when Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe, takes on Voldemort that needs to be done really well.” Rowling writes on her website, “It is simply impossible to incorporate every storyline into a film under four hours long.”

I think this is good news. If the story is unable to be crammed into one film, it makes sense to split it in two. I will admit that part of my excitement comes from knowing that Guillermo is interested in the last chapter of this series, and now it looks like he may get two films to work on (if he gets the job). I was surprised at how much I have enjoyed the Harry Potter series of films, and I am in no hurry to have it come to a close. Harry and pals have been feeding my need for on screen sorcery for years now, and It will be sad to see them go.

Although this news is not yet set in stone; I would consider it canon. What Rowling says, goes, and the studios have everything to gain. Fans want the story to be done right and often complain about details in the books that were left out of the films. I think having the last film split in two will delight the fans of the books most of all, and that is something that is worth doing. Rowling built an empire out of her imagination, and she owes her success to the throngs that have purchased her books. Making sure the last film is perfect is the right things to do, and if this means we get another film out of the deal – I am all for it. Chalk Guillermo down for 2 and make everyone happy.

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