No Country For Old Men DVD News

No-Country-For-Old-Men-4It looks like the DVD and Blu-Ray discs for No Country For Old Men will be upon us March 11, 2008. We get the news and following list of special features thanks to our friends at ropeofsilicon:

Both the DVD and the Blu-ray disc will include the following features:

* Working with the Coens: Reflections of Cast and Crew – Learn more about Joel and Ethan Coen from the perspective of their collaborators, cast and crew.

* The Making of No Country for Old Men – Take a journey through the Coen Brothers’ process and back to their roots as storytellers with a unique voice and vision.

* Diary of a Country Sheriff – Explore the relationship between the compassion of Sheriff Bell and the brutality of Anton Chigurh.

I loved this film and certainly intend to add it to my collection. I am not a huge fan of DVD special features, but I will certainly dig through this one in the spirit of exploration and discovery. I am not sure if the above list is selective or if the list contains all of the special features – we will wait and see. I am glad that the DVD and Blu-Ray discs will share the same special content, I think it is bullshit when the next gen discs get more features (ahem – Beowulf).

This film has garnered massive critical acclaim and should do well in the rental market. Adding this name to the Blu-Ray camp is another sad day for HD-DVD; I long for the hour when this battle will be over and I can start to think about getting another player. The quality of picture is actually quite stunning when you have the proper setup but sadly, I am left on the fence till the bullshit posturing settles, and everyone agrees on one format – until then, DVD suits me just fine.

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