Norton Confirms New Hulk Has Nothing To Do With Old Hulk – Sequels Intneded

I’ve been saying for a little while now that I believe the up coming Incredible Hulk movie will be the surprise film of the summer (surprise in the sense that not a lot of people seem to have much hope for it… but I think it will rule). My first inclination of this came at Comic Con when I was talking to one of the heads of Universal who told me the nature of this Hulk movie will be totally different from the nature of the first one. “No waiting around for the Hulk this time” he said to me. “You get the Hulk doing what the Hulk does in the first 5 minutes of the film”. A giant smile came across my face.

As I’ve said before, I’m one of those who appreciated the Ang Lee Hulk film for what it was. But the reality is that most people wanted a “HULK SMASH PUNY HUMANS” sort of film, and the first movie certainly didn’t deliver on that level. This one is going to be a totally different deal. Action, damage, a villain that Hulk can actually fight and destroy a city with (The Abomination)… and more action on top of that.

A lot of people have been assuming that the new Hulk film is a continuation of the old one, or a vague sequel to it. This week though, Edward Norton confirmed that this Hulk film has NOTHING to do with the other one. The folks at comingsoon give us this:

“First off it’s utterly unrelated to that film,” he told the magazine. “This is in no way a response to it or picking up from it. I think like Chris Nolan and those guys did with Batman, we just said: ‘We’re going to start completely with our own version of this myth or saga.'”

While he said “no” to the role a couple of times until he was able to rewrite the screenplay, Norton now says the story will likely span more than one film. To me the whole thing was to envision it in multiple parts,” he said. “We left a lot out on purpose. It’s definitely intended as chapter one.”

So there you have it. This is is a total stand alone apart from the old Hulk movie, AND it has been made with sequels in mind. YAY!

I was actually on set for a couple of days, and although I can’t tell you anything I saw… yet… I can tell you the sheer scale of this thing is HUGE. This is a much different Hulk film than the last one… and I for one can’t bloody wait to see it!

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