Orlando Jones Joins Cast Of Misconceptions

Orlando-Jones1Mad Tv mastermind Orlando Jones has been cast to play a gay man who plans to have a child with his partner via a surrogate mother in Misconceptions. We get wind of this news from the fabled caves of Yahoo:

Comedian Orlando Jones has joined the cast of the indie comedy-drama “Misconceptions.” The project stars A.J. Cook (CBS’ “Criminal Minds”) as a religious conservative who receives a message from God telling her to act as a surrogate mother for two gay men desiring to raise a child. Jones will play Terry, the hopeful parent who comes to the woman’s home to micromanage her pregnancy and in the process causes havoc. David Moscow will play his life partner.

I am going to guess that Fred Phelps is not going to be buying a ticket to this production. Knocked Up and Juno were both well received pregnancy comedies and it looks like they may have began a movement of films that celebrate birth; people love pregnancy and comedy, so this only seems natural. What I am trying to say is that I think the time is right for Look Who’s Talking 4.

Orlando Jones is a funny dude and I cannot wait to see the scene where they discuss how they are going to deliver his seamen into the host woman’s vaginal opening. This synopsis is certainly one where you can find a lot of outlets for ha ha moments; and if the film comes together well, it should be quite amusing. The funniest part of the film should rest on the conservative character being called by God to do what she assumes to be a sinful act. A.J. Cook is a native of Oshawa Ontario and I am always pleased when a fellow Canadian gets the chance to be a surrogate mother on the silver screen.

No word yet on when this project is slated for release, but we will be sure to keep you posted.

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