The Movie Blog: Uncut – January 7th 2008

Greetings folks, and welcome to the very first Uncut podcast for 2008! Doug and I are now visiting Los Angeles for a while so we’ll be doing our thing from down here… it was quite a trip getting down here let me tell you!

Before we get to the topics, we need to announce that The Movie Blog: Uncut LIVE show is back! Starting this Wednesday at 9pm EST (6pm PST) we will once again be broadcasting LIVE. So the new podcast schedule will look something like this: Mondays, Wednesdays (Live) and Fridays.

As for tonight’s installment, Doug and I discuss:

1) The Golden Globes

2) GI Joe casts Ripcord… Doug has a fit

3) United Artists and WGA reach Interim deal

4) Robert Downey Jr. in The Incredible Hulk

5) WB and Apple going Blu-Ray and the end of the war

6) WETA helping Justice League

All this and a few things more!


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