Witherspoon Refuses Sex In Four Christmases

Reese-WitherspoonIt looks like the hatred on the set of Four Christmases is at the boiling point! Witherspoon is now refusing to do a sex scene with Vince Vaughn! We get the scoop from our friends at slashfilm:

Another report from the set of December’s Four Christmases has the bright-and-grizzled stars clashing and disrupting the set, this time over (not) filming a sex scene. Back in December, the New York press ran with a source that claimed Witherspoon was livid with Vaughn’s scratch-and-act work ethic and his tendency to brush off her requests to block out scenes. And what’s worse? The two are co-producing the film. Is it just me?

I wonder if the hatred these two are developing for each other will add or detract from the film. Personally – I cannot wait to find out. What makes this on set war even more amazing is that it is a Christmas movie! The holidays are rife with domestic issues and it is nice to see art imitating life.

Am I alone on this, or do you think that maybe what these two need more than anything is to kiss and make up. Some Lionel Ritchie on the stereo, a few drinks with umbrellas, an extended sex scene in front of the crew (videotaped for the world to see) may be just what the doctor ordered. I know that after I have sexual intercourse with a person, I usually think very highly of them. Make up sex is the glue that holds many relationships together, in fact, in some cases it is the only worthwhile part of a troubled relationship. I think these two should set their differences aside and hump it out.

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