David Yates To Direct Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Davidyates-1We find out news today that David Yates will be directing the final two part installment of Harry Potter though the blog of Lois Lowry. We get the scoop from our friends at comingsoon via ropeofsilicon:

Thanks to an article from Coming Soon we are tipped off to a blog post from children’s and young adult author Lois Lowry, whose book “The Giver” was supposed to be directed by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix helmer David Yates once he completed work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. However, it looks as if “The Giver” has been pushed aside as Yates is apparently going to direct three Potter’s in a row as Lowry tells us the following:

Bad news from The Giver Movie front. David Yates, the director currently working on the next Harry Potter film, was supposed to begin The Giver film next. But he has just decided he wants to do the final Harry Potter first, thereby postponing The Giver by several years. Maybe the opening of this film could be held simultaneously with my celebration-of-life service after I succumb to old age? Or the producers will decide to get a different director. Stand by. But without holding your breath.

Personal blogs continue to break news; and the news spreads fast. I must admit, I was really hoping Guillermo Del Toro was going to get this gig. He proclaimed his interest, and I thought him to be a shoe in. Then news of him scoring the directing chair on The Hobbit came out and I began to wonder if he would be able to do both projects. This news is not yet confirmed so we do need to take it with a grain of salt, but It certainly seems to be as good a source as any.

I am not upset at all that Yates is on board for the next Harry Potter installment and I hope I do not give that impression. I just really wanted to see what direction Guillermo took the film as he is currently one of my favorites, and a genius when it comes to directing fantasy films.

We will certainly keep you posted on this news and l will continue to hunt for an official announcement.

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