Galactus Returns?

GalactusWell it looks like there is a forecast of clouds for the upcoming Silver Surfer film. We get confirmation today that Galactus will return from our friends at firstshowing:

One of the panels that we unfortunately missed last weekend at WonderCon was a spotlight on comic book author J. Michael Straczynski. In addition to his extensive comic book work, Straczynski is now diving into Hollywood, having scripted the upcoming Clint Eastwood film The Changeling and already working on three other scripts, including World War Z and a Silver Surfer spin-off. During Straczynski’s panel at WonderCon, he briefly talked about the Silver Surfer movie and confirmed that the giant evil world eater Galactus would be featured in it.

Users on Newsarama’s forums were in attendance and reported back on the details from the panel. “For what the Silver Surfer movie entails Straczynski says it will cover the origin of the character. He said it will feature Galactus, noting that the latest Fantastic Four film held off on showing Galactus to reveal him for this film.”

No one was happy with the bullshit Galactus that we got in Fantastic Four 2. Marvel flat out lied before the film was released saying that Galactus was not a storm cloud….and as it turns out – he was a storm cloud. I don’t buy Straczynski’s claim that Galactus was kept hidden so the big reveal could be in the Silver Surfer stand alone film. I struggle for the reasons why they would make Galactus a storm cloud at all but only the words “high on glue” come to mind.

Fantastic Four 1 and 2 were both very good reasons to feel shame and I hope Marvel feels just that. They finally get the FF to the big screen and they treat us to a pair of horrendous let downs. If Jack Kirby could crawl from the grave and eat their tender face meat off – he would (and I would watch on with delight as I ate a shawarma).

The origin story for the Silver Surfer is actually pretty cool. It’s a shame that I will not let myself get excited about it because I have cause and reason to believe that it will be shit. I also think they will fuck over Galactus again, and that is something that I certainly have no desire to see. The fury over the storm cloud still rages in my veins and I will consider all “updates” about this project false until I am able to verify them by watching the movie.

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