Can this end it now please? Can Paris Hilton just go away now, enjoy her very rich life and stay the hell out of the movie and entertainment business PLEASE. If you, and various small hollywood production companies actually needed empirical evidence that we don’t want to see Paris Hilton in movies, then this weekend gave it to you.
Paris Hilton’s new film, The Hottie and the Nottie, opened up this weekend in limited release on 111 screens. When you break it down (The number of screens it played on, how many shows each screen played over the weekend and how much money the film made over that period), if you bought a ticket to see the movie, in the theater would be you, and 3 other people.
Yes, on average just under 4 people were in the theater each time The Hottie and the Nottie played this weekend. FOUR people. That means one screening must have had 6 people in it, because at the screening I was at, in Hollywood, on a Saturday, there was me and ONE other person. Yikes!
Let’s put this into horrifying perspective. My little movie (Prince of Peace – God of War) played 5 screens and had on average 120 people per show (and one of those shows only had like 10 people at it). Statistically speaking, that means I’m 3000% more of a draw than Paris Hilton. THREE THOUSAND PERCENT. I’m sorry, but if I’m outdrawing your kid’s Lemonade stand there is something wrong.
Ok ok, clearly I’m being a bit facetious, but come on… 4 people per screening. Does this send the message? Will people now finally get it? WE DON’T WANT TO SEE PARIS HILTON IN MOVIES. No one does. Let it go. Walk away.